Escape the Middle Management Trap

4 Mistakes That Stop Women From Reaching Top Leadership Success

Don't let another year pass you by feeling undervalued and overlooked. Claim your spot in this free masterclass and discover how to finally break through to the next level.

Here is what you will learn during the Masterclass:

Identify the 4 common mistakes that keep talented women stuck in middle management (and how to avoid them!).

Discover the power of a clear leadership vision and learn how to create a roadmap for your career advancement.

Understand the essential skills that set you apart as a leader and command the respect you deserve.

Unlock the secrets to building a powerful personal brand that increases your visibility and influence.

Discover the incredible advantages of having a supportive network of women who will champion your success and help you rise to the top.

Who is this Masterclass for?


“I’m tired of being overlooked for promotions and feeling like my voice isn't being heard.”

  • You have the potential to lead at a higher level, and this masterclass will show you how.


“Despite all my achievements, I doubt my abilities to take on a senior leadership role.”

  • Get the confidence to speak up in meetings, confidently share your ideas, and go after the senior leadership role you deserve.


“I’m ready to break free from the middle management trap.”

  • All you need is a clear roadmap and the support of other ambitious women to guide you on your journey. Let’s get you the support you need.

What People Are Saying

“Kele has this incredible ability to draw people in and have them leave inspired. Her tailored approach to deliver meaningful, value-adding skills is something everyone, no matter where they are in life, needs to experience.”

— B

“Kele was a fantastic coach - very encouraging, putting me at ease, and identifying valuable things to keep doing and what to improve immediately.”

— Juliana W.

“Dear Kele, you are truly brilliant! We are thankful for your valuable insight and guidance to our team. Thank you for being an inspiration.”

— Your friends at Claris

Have Questions?

I Have Answers

I’m already so busy. How much time will this Masterclass take?

The Masterclass will be 60 minutes long. I will have you in and out of that virtual within 60 minutes. But feel free to stay longer and ask me all your questions!

Is this Masterclass actually live?

You bet! I’m so passionate about helping female leaders that I will be there to live to teach you and answer any questions you might have. Ask your questions in the chat, and I’ll stay on the call to answer every single one.

I’m not sure this is really for me. Can you explain to me who this Masterclass is for?

This Masterclass is for women leaders in middle management who are ready to play a bigger game and want to be promoted to senior leadership roles.

What if I already know a lot about leadership? Will this webinar be too basic for me?

It's fantastic that you already have a strong foundation in leadership! Many people attend my Masterclass with varying levels of experience. Even seasoned leaders find immense value in refining their approach. This Masterclass provides a structured framework and practical tools to do just that.

Will this Masterclass be recorded? What if I can’t attend live?

Yes! If you’re interested in the Masterclass but can’t make it, register for the Masterclass so I can send you the replay. You’ll have 48 hours to watch it. 

Is this Masterclass really free?!

Yes, it’s absolutely free. Register for the Masterclass, and you’ll have to pay nothing, zero, zilch.  

A note from Kele…

(your personal guide in empowering you to reach your full potential, confidently navigate workplace challenges, and rise to senior leadership - even if you’ve been stuck in middle management for longer than you can care to talk about…)

I see you. The driven, ambitious woman navigating the complexities of middle management, yearning to break through to the next level. You're juggling deadlines, leading teams, and striving for excellence, yet often feeling unseen and undervalued. Maybe you're battling self-doubt, questioning your every move, or feeling like an imposter despite your accomplishments.

I've been there. I started my leadership journey in middle management too, facing those same challenges, that same nagging feeling of "Am I good enough?" Even when I was invited to apply for a senior leadership position, the imposter syndrome crept in. I worked with coaches, sought out mentors, and tried every strategy I could find. Some worked, some didn't. But through it all, I learned invaluable lessons about what it truly takes to succeed as a woman in leadership.

And not just any leadership. I've had the privilege of working with leaders at all levels in Fortune 500 companies like Google, Apple, Netflix, Fidelity Investments, Morgan Stanley, and SAP Concur. I've seen firsthand the strategies that work, the mindsets that empower, and the pitfalls that can derail even the most talented women.

That's why I created this masterclass, "Escape the Middle Management Trap." I want to share those hard-earned lessons with you to help you avoid the pitfalls I encountered and accelerate your own leadership journey.

In this masterclass, you'll walk away with one incredibly powerful tool: a crystal-clear vision for your leadership future. This is the foundation upon which you'll build your confidence, develop essential skills, and create a career that truly fulfills you.
It's time to break free from the middle management trap and step into your full leadership power. I can't wait to see you there!

All my best,


Become a sought-after leader.

Don't let another year pass you by feeling undervalued and overlooked. Claim your spot in this free masterclass and discover how to finally break through to the next level.